I gave this statement a four because I believe its true in most circumstances. If I had to lie to someone in order to protect them or in order for them not to hurt themselves I would. Lying is never a good thing, but telling a white lie now and then is never a bad thing.
I gave this a two because I don't usually solve a problem with violence. I end up telling my opponent my side of the story and I listen to theirs. Using words is a way healthier solution to a problem than to use violence and end up getting hurt.
I gave this a four because given the circumstance, if someone is trying to badly injure you, the only way to stop that is to flee or call for help. What happens if you cant do that? If someone wants to hurt you very badly i don't think using your words will help. I think he only way to defend yourself in that situation to to fight back if possible and kill if necessary.
If this question was literal, then obviously fists are stronger than words. But, its not, and I think its trying to say that the power of words can change something more than the power of violence. I gave this a four because I believe that two sides can prosper if they solve their situation with words instead of destroying one or the other.
I gave this a three because I am not so sure because I am not a bully. I think though that it really depends. I definitely agree that some bullies do what they they do because they have a rough home life and that some just do it for their own pleasure
I disagree and gave this a one because some of our early presidents like an Andrew Jackson were not the brightest people and did not receive the best education and still became some of the best leaders our county has ever seen.
I gave this a two only because I am the type of person who does believe in revenge. If it was something harmless that someone did to you than I do not see the point of revenge, but if it is something that hurt you or your loved ones in a ways than I think revenge is justifiable.
I gave this a two because if someone cries it not necessarily because of something that is painful or hurtful. Sometimes people can cry tears of happiness, or joy, without being weak at all.
I gave this a four because in my point of view, anything is acceptable in war to win the battle. The only thing I think that would not be acceptably would be to hurt civilians in order the win. Always bring war as as far as possible from civilians.
I gave this a three because most of the times this is true. Teenagers like myself usually think they can do whatever they want which is not true at all. But there is always that teen who is very mature and can control himself completely and take care of himself without any adult input.
I gave this a two because this is not true all the time. A lot of the times there is something that one has to take away from himself in order to improve on his life but other times there is somebody else who can give you something which will result in your positive change.
I agree and gave this a five because by letting someone know your sympathy for them is a great way to let someone know that you're they're friend.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Learning Style Survey
I am an Interpersonal learner, and I can understand what you mean.
The first thing about interpersonal learners is that they thrive on social interactions. This is strangely accurate for me because I am not the person who can just sit at home and not be interacting with somebody. I would probably be crazy if I didn't skateboard or go places and hang out with people. If someone wanted to talk to me about something I would probably understand them because I've probably had the same problem or talked to somebody who has. This is true about me because I am an good person to talk to, and most of the times I can help people solve what ever they're seeking help with.
I am a Verbal-Linguistic learner, if you tell me in words -- written or spoken -- I will understand.
This kind of person is said to be associated with doing well in school. This is true to me because if someone fully explains something to me I will get what they are talking about. I can learn a lot from what someone tells me in person but it is not always this way if I am reading it from a book or watching it on television. I am also said to use words effectively for reading which is true. Every day, my vocabulary is growing and I am using new words that I hear and using them to be a good reader and to be a good speaker.
I am not a Naturalistic learner, and do not investigate the natural world.
I tend not to explore Nature very much because of one reason. I don't like to get dirty! I just don't like the fact of having mud and dirt on my closes and not to mention the fact that I would probably get lost of I went deep into a forest as I explored. I have a bad sense of direction and would travel in circles if I got lost. And also I have fear of getting lost in the woods and getting eaten by a mountain lion or a bear or something of the sort.
The first thing about interpersonal learners is that they thrive on social interactions. This is strangely accurate for me because I am not the person who can just sit at home and not be interacting with somebody. I would probably be crazy if I didn't skateboard or go places and hang out with people. If someone wanted to talk to me about something I would probably understand them because I've probably had the same problem or talked to somebody who has. This is true about me because I am an good person to talk to, and most of the times I can help people solve what ever they're seeking help with.
I am a Verbal-Linguistic learner, if you tell me in words -- written or spoken -- I will understand.
This kind of person is said to be associated with doing well in school. This is true to me because if someone fully explains something to me I will get what they are talking about. I can learn a lot from what someone tells me in person but it is not always this way if I am reading it from a book or watching it on television. I am also said to use words effectively for reading which is true. Every day, my vocabulary is growing and I am using new words that I hear and using them to be a good reader and to be a good speaker.
I am not a Naturalistic learner, and do not investigate the natural world.
I tend not to explore Nature very much because of one reason. I don't like to get dirty! I just don't like the fact of having mud and dirt on my closes and not to mention the fact that I would probably get lost of I went deep into a forest as I explored. I have a bad sense of direction and would travel in circles if I got lost. And also I have fear of getting lost in the woods and getting eaten by a mountain lion or a bear or something of the sort.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Turn of Suspence
It all happened in a moment. A quick suspenseful ten seconds of my, life at six years old, on a hot thursday, driving North to the outskirts of Arcata where we lived for about a year. It was a pinkish-orange afternoon, with the sun slowly fading away over the horizon, and all I could smell was the ugly grayish-black fumes of the different colored cars ahead of us. I was with my mom and my brother. My mom had the face where you were sure that she was happy to be where she was at, and not a thing was stressing her out. She had to have been around the age of thirty two at that point. My brother was in his own little world of sound effects which was very normal for him. He was having a good time just like everyone else in the car. And my brother, being eleven and a half months older than me, had to have been roughly six, almost seven. For me, I was minding my own, and simply watching the green grass rolling hills, and the billowing fluffy clouds that seemed endless with the darkening colorful sky that always seemed to be looking down on me and everyone and everything else.
My brother and I were of the age where we had very little responsibilities. We had no chores, didn't have to wash our dishes, and we liked to mess around and play with our hot wheels cars and fling them off ramps and such. I liked to play with my Pokemon cards, and Simon liked to play with our thousands of lego pieces that we liked to collect. One other thing we liked to play with that was a crucial influence to the situation that we soon to be in, were our army action figures. We had guys with assault rifles, grenade launchers, pistols, and finally bazookas. These tiny, little plastic figures made us see sticks as guns, or as grenades. Every time we saw a stick or something to throw at each other that would not leave any lasting damage on ourselves, we would pick it up and pretend to shoot each other, or hurl it in another's direction making the gruesome sound effects of someone being blown up.
My mom was driving at a normal yielding speed as she saw the bright yellow sign to inform drivers to make the decision to slow down or gradually speed up, depending on weather or not there is a car on the highway next to you. There were no cars on the highway, other than the sun-faded purple Honda minivan ahead of us, who was already making that decision. We were soon to do the same. She always kept this bamboo stick in our old car because there was problem with our trunk: it would not stay open. If it was not propped up by something or held up, it would slowly fall down as the pressure was released. My brother and I were sitting in the back row of leather seats, paying attention to the cars that went by; I was on the right side and he was on the left. Simon slowly reached back and grabbed the bamboo stick from the trunk. You can probably guess why he was grabbing it. He rested it on his shoulder and pretended to shoot the cars in front of us. I thought that this was so cool so I complained and whined to him until he handed it over.
“Mom. Tell Simon to give me the stick! Hes already had a long enough turn!”
And so he did, after my mom telling him to.
Me and my brother fought a lot back then and have all our lives. We even still fight each other to this day. We should be more mature about that kind of stuff being the age that we are, but its hard when one of us is taunting each other, or making each other angry just for the fun of it. I don't do this to anyone else but him. We just have always had a big case of sibling rivalry. One thing that we have changed though is that we have more of a sense of respect for each other. So we don't get into as many fights as we used to. Respect. That is the whole cause of our fighting. I think if we had the full respect for who we both are and what we both accomplish than we would be a much happier set of brothers.
As the stick was handed over to me I gripped it with a sense of awesomeness. I thought I was the coolest thing in the world. In the United States, the steering wheel is on the left side of the car, and you always are driving on the right side of the road. I was sitting on the left side, vertical to my mom and also the steering wheel. I thought to myself, what could possibly go wrong; this is awesome shooting these cars with this bazooka. And just like that, as I was not paying attention to the end of the stick, it slid into the left pocket of the steering wheel, disabling my moms steering to a certain extent; which was not enough to get us safely around the corner of that turn at the speed we were going. We were about five feet from the silvery guard rail that precisely surrounded the turn, and even if my mom braked at that very moment, we would have crashed forcefully into the railing. So there was only one possible thing to do; pull the stick out as soon as possible and jerk the steering wheel hard to the left to avoid getting into a major accident. We’re going to get hurt if we don't work together and do something fast, I thought. So just like that, I snapped out of my little kid bazooka army world, took a deep breath, and as were were about to hit the monstrous side railing, with a strong jerk of my arm, I quickly pulled out the stick, my mind hurting with everyone screaming. My mom then swung the wheel as hard as she could and miraculously we were able to make it safely back onto the road. Nobody got hurt, but it was definitely one of the most scary and dramatic moments of my life so far.
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